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Share your proxy provider and the number of threads you use

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Guest nightzlifezz

So that we can all have successful live streams. I thought it would be a good idea to create this thread, so that we share our settings.

This is just a fake example but please use this format when sharing your settings:

Proxy Provider: "FakeProxyblahblah.com" 

Amount of Proxy: 5000

Proxy thread limit : 300

Threads used on the bot: 50

Proxy URL or My Proxy : Proxy URL

Maximum viewers: 100

Minimum viewers: 90

Stable: Yes

Time until viewers drop to 0: 10 hours



Guest nightzlifezz
3 часа назад, hyxerxs сказал:

twitch or youtube bro?



you created the thread, how about sharing some real data?

Guest hyxerxs

300 prox, 100 threads = 250-300+ viewers

Guest nightzlifezz

Proxy Provider: ipv6.zone

Amount of Proxy: 1000

Proxy thread limit : Unknown

Threads used on the bot: 70 then 250

Proxy URL or My Proxy : My Proxy list

Maximum viewers: 200

Minimum viewers: 70

Stable: No, every 3 minutes the views drops to 70.

Time until viewers drop to 0: 1 Hour


Proxy Provider: best-proxies.ru

Amount of Proxy: 5-7k checked proxies SOCKS5

Proxy thread limit : Unknown

Threads used on the bot: 200

Proxy URL or My Proxy : url

Maximum viewers: 200-250

Minimum viewers: 150

Stable: +-20-30.

Time until viewers drop to 0: 3 Hour. Next was too lazy to check

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